Future Bound Workgroup
This is an action-focused workgroup with many partner organizations and community volunteers developing strategies to create opportunities for students to develop the connections necessary to explore their future bound pathways, including career exploration, financial literacy, dual credit enrollment, applying for post-secondary options, and financial aid and scholarships.
For many students, the cost of post-secondary education is a significant barrier. In Washington State, 46% of students don’t even complete the FAFSA or WASFA, the first step in receiving federal and/or state financial aid, effectively leaving $50 million in educational aid on the table.
Financial Aid Navigators: Graduate Strong has trained over 30 Navigators from 18 organizations who are ready to help any student who wants assistance with applying for financial aid. With this robust community support, we hope that every student who qualifies for state and federal aid will apply for it.
12th Year Campaign: Kitsap Strong partners with the Washington Student Achievement Council's efforts to increase post-secondary enrollment and financial aid completion. The 12th Year Campaign boosts college and financial aid application rates in Washington by helping those working with high school seniors and their families complete applications for college admissions and financial aid. The Plus 5 Push initiative encourages school sites to increase their financial aid completion by at least five percent every year.
Scholarships are an important piece of the puzzle of paying for post-secondary education. Many students miss out on opportunities to apply for scholarships. Scholarships are available for virtually everyone, not all are based upon academics. Some scholarships are awarded based upon service/volunteering, special talents or abilities, and/or group affiliation. Watch this video of a Scholarships 101 workshop to learn more about the who, what, where, when and how of applying for scholarships.
The “Welcome to Your Future” program for middle and high school students lets students participate in education sessions and a simulation event that empowers them to choose a career, manage their own “money,” and interact with community volunteers, building financial and life skills.